What to do with your Wardrobe now it is Autumn

A new season is upon us and you can already feel the chill in the air as we wave goodbye to the summer holidays and usher in the autumn. It’s time to go through the wardrobe and have a sort out, as a change of season is the best time to do this.

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Although it is a cooler time of the year, dressing in the autumn can be tricky as you will often find that you have frosty mornings, but warm and sunny afternoons. The key thing here is layering. Don’t pack away those summer t-shirts just yet, as they can be incorporated into an autumn wardrobe and worn with an open shirt and light jacket for example to make sure that you have plenty of options whatever the weather!

This is also a good opportunity to get rid of any clothes that you will no longer wear – donate them to charity if they are in good condition, or if not take them to somewhere that offers clothing recycling.

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You can also add some new key pieces to update your look for the autumn and winter – high quality brands like Louis Boyd Superdry Clothes are always a good bet, and look for items that you know will see you through the winter months and can be versatile. A new jacket or shoes for example are ideal choices that can be incorporated into most of your outfits for the season.

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