With the recent increase in energy prices in the UK, many people are trying to find ways to reduce their energy bills. One way people can do this is to reduce their heating costs, as heating your home makes up a lot of people’s monthly energy bills, especially in the winter months. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks to help you save money on your energy bills.

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One way to save money on your heating, is to only heat one or two rooms at a time. Many people make the mistake of heating their whole home during the winter months. This will mean that they are paying to heat radiators in rooms that they do not use regularly. If you close doors to these rooms, you will not waste energy heating them up. You can also try wearing additional layers and using heated blankets instead of turning your heating up all the way.

If you live in an older property with single glazed windows, you may want to invest to upgrade to double glazed windows. Double glazed windows can greatly reduce your heating bills, as the double glaze provides a layer or air between the glass which acts as a barrier against heat. This will mean that less heat will be escaping your home, so you do not have to heat your home for as long or as often. If you want to upgrade to double glazed windows you can contact a Gloucester Double Glazing company such as firmfix.co.uk/ who will be able to install double glazing for your home.

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You can also try to take advantage of natural heat sources to reduce your monthly heating bills. During the day, you can open your curtains and blinds, to let in the sunlight which can greatly help to heat your living spaces. Additionally, you can close the curtains and blinds in the evening time, which can help to retain the sunlight heat. Also, invest in thick insulated curtains, as these will help to retain even more heat inside of your home.

Finally, to reduce your heating usage, you can make sure to fix gaps or leaks in your home. Open doors and windows can easily let heat out of your home, but this also applies to air leaks around your doors and windows. You can seal any of these leaks with caulk or filler, and this will then stop the heat from leaving your home.

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