What are the states of matter?

Each source of matter is in a state. You are matter, water is matter, earth is matter natural gas is matter. All of these things find themselves in certain states. There are three states and these are solid, liquid and Gas. As you can see from the examples we humans fall into the solid bracket. However, just because something is in one state it does not mean it will stay that way. For example, Water is a liquid that can become a solid if you freeze it, although its natural state is to be a liquid again as soon as it can. Coal is a solid but it gives off a gas. These chemical bonds and reactions allow us to change and shape the world around us.

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For example, a Plasma polymer composite, like that from https://www.poeton.co.uk/advanced-treatments/apticote-810-plasma-polymer-composite can go through several states. It begins as a solid. It is exposed to high temperature turning it into a liquid where it is coated onto a surface and cooled. When cooling occurs it returns to its solid state again.

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All of these materials contain molecules. Molecules react in different ways in different states. The molecules in a solid move very slowly. This is why they retain a solid shape. The molecules in liquid and gas move very quickly. Speed up the molecules in a solid, either by heat or chemicals, and they can turn to liquid.

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