Keeping your home warm in the winter

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When it comes to keeping yourself and your family nice and warm in the winter months there are a number of things that you can do to ensure that the colder weather remains outside.

Heating system – having your heating system regularly checked is a must to ensure that it is safe working order and to identify when there might be issues that are starting to occur. If your boiler is no longer working efficiently you may want to look at having a newer one installed and a Boiler Finance Tewkesbury company can help you out with this.

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Double glazing – having your windows double glazed will help you to keep the draughts from entering your home and will keep all of the warmth that you create from your heating system in the home rather than it escaping through cracks and inefficient windows.

Insulation – another area where heat can escape from your home is the loft space and this is especially true if there is no insulation in place. You can also have cavity wall insulation put in place to help any with keeping the heat in your home from the exterior walls.

There are other things you can do to improve your homes energy efficiency but the three mentioned above will give you a great start.

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