When signs from outside indicate you have a drain problem

We often think of smells and water overflowing in our homes as being the main indicators that there is a problem with our drainage systems, however there are some signs that you might notice from outside that are a good way of knowing that there is an issue with your pipework and a problem going on underground. If you notice them it might be time to contact Wilkinson who are a Drainage Cleaning company.

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An accumulation of septic waste water in your garden or property outside will be an obvious indication that you might have a broken sewer line. A fractured septic tank, clogged drainage fields or a broken mainline could be the issue. The issue area is also directly situated under the sewage tank.

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A dent forming in your lawn or under paving stones is another sign of a fractured sewer line. A broken main pipe that saturates the ground constantly may cause it to dissipate. Your lawn can create a footprint or trough above the main pipe of your sewer line indicating a problem.

Foundation complications, such as cracks in the foundation slab, settlement of the foundation and in some cases, sinkholes, are more severe signs of sewer line degradation. A vacuum can form under the foundation or in the yard. If the main pipe is passing under your slabs it can show signs of an untreated leak for a long time. This may result in issues with the foundation, such as cracks in your foundation, your home or building may suffer subsidence, or even a sinkhole.

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