How clear desk policies can be useful

Clear desk policies are becoming more and more popular in workplaces across the world. They are a simple yet effective way to ensure that desk spaces remain tidy and that all important documents are secured away when not being worked on.

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It is important from a GDPR perspective that no files and personal data are ;left lying around and in some instances this has meant businesses going paperless and in others it has required them to think about storage for such items as well as assessing how these files are used throughout the working day.

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The benefits of a clear desk policy at present with the current global pandemic is that it allows Office cleaners City Of London way such as to easily clean desk spaces without having to move items around. It of course does not mean that desks have to be clinical and with no personalisation. It simply means that the surface of the desk should be clear of any clutter at the end of each working day and before the employees take breaks and lunch. This also has great benefits for the focus of employees on the tasks in hand as well as giving a great impression of your office to any visitors.

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