What Options do you Have when Considering an Extension?

If you have a growing family, an elderly relative that you might want to move in with you or you need a little extra room to work from home, you may be considering extending your home.

If you are happy with the area that you live in, are well settled and like your house in general an extension is what you need! There are so many options available to you and if you ensure that you use a professional such as this house extensions Solihull company https://www.ifurb.co.uk/house-extension-and-build-services/house-extensions/house-extensions-solihull/ you can add a significant amount of value to your home.

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Here are some of the options that you have…

A Loft Conversion – You don’t have to build outside of your existing structure, and this is a great way to add an extra bedroom and an ensuite shower room as well if you wish.

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A Garage Extension – Extending into a garage is another great way to use an existing structure to keep costs lower and not build onto any of your land. You can use a garage extension to add a dining room, a granny annexe or a playroom.

A Conservatory – For many conservatories you don’t need planning permission, and they also add a lot of light into your home as well as a lot of additional space.

A Garden Room – Another great way to add a room without planning permission as garden room is a perfect separate space that can be used as an office, a bar or a guest bedroom.

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